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What does Hawaii artist Lisa Ventura look like
About Lisa Ventura Art




about Lisa Ventura

Welcome to Lisa Ventura Art.  Here you’ll be able to hear directly from me as an artist and person, and look at some of the artwork I have for sale.  I’ll try to keep you up to date with what I’m working on and any events I will be participating in.  If you have any questions about a piece you see on this site, or are interested in commissioning your own custom piece, please visit the contact page.


Much of my artwork is inspired by island life and my family’s plantation background.  Hawaii is a beautiful place.  The landscape and weather have a heartbeat each their own. But for me, they are the backdrop and setting for the people and stories that take place here.  It’s hard to say whether it is this lush environment that has facilitated the cultural diversity we enjoy today, or if it is this melting pot of cherished values that has nurtured and preserved the natural beauty of the islands.  Really, what makes a place a home?  For me, it is people.  Perhaps that is why I love portraiture and island nostalgia so much.


Just a local girl who likes to share her stories, and does this sometimes with her art.  I’m a nerd constantly finding herself fascinated with many new things.  I am both a homebody and a traveler.  A cautious adventurer.  Spirituality, laughter, and food are a few of my favorite things.  I’m a person interested in interesting people and so here I am.  I wish to share my art with you.








I have always loved art, specifically drawing and painting.  Besides the fact that I find art fun to make, it is one of my favorite ways of sharing with people.  I believe art is special because it links people in ways language and customs cannot.  With my art, I hope to capture points in time that I think are beautiful and happy, so that they can continue to be enjoyed and shared with others.

I am inspired by memories and fascinated by just what makes things nostalgic – the feelings associated with the images we hold in our minds.  I also love people.  Because of that, and given my background, island people and island living are themes in my work.  My aim is that those who view my drawings and paintings appreciate the sentimental context of my art.  Sharing memories connects us.  My goal is commonality.



Some moments deserve to be bigger than they are.  Really, any moment becomes a memory as we pass on into the next moment.  But here I pay tribute to the moments, and other things considered little, that I think merit preservation.  My family comes from little beginnings.  From small communities on Oahu and Lanai.  I was raised on a small island, after being born on an even smaller island.  But I am always pleasantly surprised to find that people find so much in the little moments I try to capture.  Here’s to the little moments we have now, because they’ll be our memories tomorrow.